Selon la programmation, la sirène signale la mise en et hors service et/ou l'état de système en
service. La signalisation pour mise en/hors service du système peut être soit de type uniquement
visuel soit visuel et sonore (voir configuration dip-switch - tableau page 13):
MES centrale
1 beep (s'il est programmé) + 1 éclat
MHS centrale
3 beep (s'il est programmé) + 3 éclats
La signalisation lumineuse de clignotement pour changement d'état (mise en/hors service) est
toujours habilitée, tandis que celle pour système en service (LED allumées à rotation) est
contrôlée par l'entrée LIGHT. Il s'agit d'une entrée d'inhibition. En raccordant une tension de +12V
sur l'entrée, la signalisation lumineuse (LED allumées à rotation) pour centrale en service est
The SAEL 2010 LED siren is an acoustic signaling device with LED flashlight for the outdoors.
The siren is self-powered and anti-tamper protected against opening, wrenching and foam
injection and is is available with various casings:
Gray ABS casing (item no. F105SAEL2010LGR)
White ABS casing (item no. F105SAEL2010LBI)
Aluminum casing (item no. F105SAEL2010LAL)
Chrome-plated aluminum casing (item no. F105SAEL2010LCR)
For the installation see the indications on page 9-11.
It is recommended to make the electrical connections between the siren and the control panel
(power supply, control, tamper) in the siren first and then in the control panel.
Wire a minimum voltage of 13.8V to the +CENT terminal, for battery recharge.
If the flash light signaling for armed system (sequential LED lighting) is not required, connect a
12V voltage to the LIGHT terminal.
N.B. With regard to the electrical security make sure that power to the siren is supplied by a
secondary circuit, separated from the parts with high voltage thanks to an isolation
Stand-by status
If the system is disarmed and the stand-by signal is present, the siren does not provide any
signaling neither optical nor acoustic.
Active status
The commutation of the stand-by input (stand-by voltage missing) resets the counter of the alarm
cycles. According to programming, the siren signals the change of the system's operating status
through a single howl and/or a single flash of all LED simultaneously. Thereafter, if the LIGHT
terminal is not connected, the LED are lit in sequence signaling that the system is armed. The
signaling continues until the stand-by input commutates and the system is disarmed. The siren
signals the return to stand-by through a triple howl and three flashes of all LED simultaneously.
Alarm status
The commutation of the +SRA (+12V voltage missing) input causes the activation of the alarm
cycle of the siren and the optical and acoustic signaling. The siren is switched off automatically at
the end of the alarm time. The flashlight continues during the post-alarm time programmed.
Connection of the stand-by input (ST-BY) is recommended, since its commutation causes the
reset of the alarm cycle counter and activates the optical and acoustic signaling for arming/
disarming of the control panel. Upon leaving the stand-by status, the siren executes a complete
functioning test and, in case of failure, activates the failure output within one second. If the siren is
in the active status, there is a positive voltage of 12V or high impedance on the input, if the siren is
in the stand-by status, there is negative voltage (<2V).
Approximately every 3 hours, the siren controls the correct functioning of the horn and the
flashlight and checks the battery charge and recharge voltage. This happens no matter if the siren
Ver. 2.2 - 02/2013 - SAEL 2010 LED
La lettura della configurazione dei dip-switch avviene all'alimentazione della sirena. Dopo ogni
modifica deve pertanto essere tolta e ricollegata l'alimentazione.
La lecture de la configuration des dip-switch a lieu à l'alimentation de la sirène. À chaque
modification, débrancher et reconnecter l'alimentation.
The dip-switch settings are read upon powering up. After each modification disconnect and
reconnect power supply.
La configuración de los dip-switch se lee a la alimentación de la sirena. A cada modificación se
debe desconectar y reconectar la alimentación.
Die Dipschalterkonfiguration wird bei der Stromzufuhr gelesen. Nach jeder Änderung muß die
Stromversorgung ab- und wiederangekoppelt werden.
SAEL 2010 LED - Ver. 2.2 - 02/2013