The anti-legionella function is an additional function for some relay functions such as:
electrical resistance, boiler, recirculation, compressor.
Thanks to the anti-legionella function (hereinafter AL), the system can be heated at selected
times in order to eliminate legionella bacteria.
The controller is delivered with anti-legionella function deactivated.
The anti-legionella function is not shown in the "Protection functions" menu. But
in the submenus of the corresponding special function.
As soon as it has been heated with "AL" active, the display shows the information
with the date.
This anti-legionella function does not provide complete protection against legio-
nella because the controller requires an adequate amount of energy and it is not
possible to monitor the temperatures in the entire range of storage and connect-
ing pipes.
During the anti-legionella function, if relevant, storage is heated above the set
value "Tmax", involving the risk of overheating or damage to the system.
Activate the function
Anti-legionella temp. (AL Tref )
For successful heating, this temperature must be reached in the AL sensor(s) for the duration
of the disinfection.
Disinfection time
For this time period the AL Tref reference temperatures in the activated AL sensors must be
reached for successful heating.
Anti-legionella cycle
The date when the last successfully completed disinfection took place appears here.
code 3542A420 - Rev. 00 - 12/2021