Fuse replacement
Repairs and maintenance must only be carried out by appropriate personnel. Before
starting the unit, disconnect the power supply and make sure it is not reconnected!
Check the absence of current!
Use only the included protection or similar protection with the following
Specifications: T2A / 250 V.
If the supply voltage is on and the controller still does not work or nothing appears in the display,
the internal fuse may be faulty. First, identify the source of external fault (e.g. pump), replace it
and then check the device fuse.
To replace the fuse, open the device as described in the section "Wall installation" on page
145. Remove the old fuse, check it and replace if necessary.
First, put the controller back into operation and check the outputs in manual mode as described.
code 3542A420 - Rev. 00 - 12/2021