Software Installation
Adding Indoor information:
Group address: when you are using the wired controller to control more than one indoor unit, the master ad-
dress is 0 and slave addresses are from 1 to 15.
Building: The building to install the indoor unit.
Floor: Specific floor to install the indoor unit.
Room: In which room is the indoor unit installed.
User name: the user of indoor.
Model: indoor model: AB: Cassette; AC: Convertible; AD: duct; AS: Wall
(e) Click on "Edit" to finish adding the information. It will update information about indoor in the indoor list. The
information on the relevant building, floor and room will be seen on the left side of the screen.
The newly added build-
ing, floor and room will
be shown in the left list
Click on the newly appeared
building/ floor/room icon and it
will display all relevant devices in
the current list.
The edited indoor unit will
disappear from the current list