The Zuvo Water Purator
General description Self-contained Filtration/UV/Ozone counter-top or under-counter water
treatment system.
Minimum/Maximum Water Temperatures 4–100º F (4–38º C)
Contaminant Reduction Lead 99%, cysts 99.98%, chlorine taste/odor 99%
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae* reduction 99.9%
UV Exposure Intensity Class B (16 m1/cm2)
Physical Dimensions (W x D x H) 4.75 in. x 4.5 in. x 16 in. (120 mm x 120 mm x 400 mm)
Weight 1.9 lbs (0.8 Kg) dry and empty
Filter Life Rating 500 gal (1900 L) or 6 months depending on use conditions
Particulate Reduction Class 12
Estimated Filter Replacement Cost MSRP ($29.99)
UV Lamp Life Up to 10,000 + on/off cycles (approximately 3 years) depending on use conditions
Chemical Additives None. Ozone created in unit
Chemical Emissions None. Ozone reconverted to oxygen in filter cartridge element
( 1) Zuvo Water Purator has been tested against ANSI/NSF standards 42, 53, and 55 for lead, cyst, and particulate reduction,
and for UV performance.
(2) NSF Standard #42, Appendix C acceptance level for a Class 1 Particulate claim of minimum 85% removal of particles in
0.5 to 1 micron size range.
* Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an indicator microorganism used in establishing the performance of UV water treatment
devices in treating non-pathogenic microorganisms according to NSF standard 55. Reduction shown is minimum
measured reduction at 70% of normal lamp output.
© Copyright 2008. Zuvo™, the Zuvo logo and the Purator™ name are trademarks of Zuvo Water LLC. Zuvo Water Purator is protected by U.S. patents #6,461,520, #7,033,502, #5, 266, 215,
#5,540, 848, DES 357,058, and other U.S. and foreign patents pending. All rights reserved. K062 12/08
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All manuals and user guides at
Zuvo Water LLC
404 Villa Street
Mountain View CA 94041
T el: 650.265.1665