5.5.1 Discharge through roof using a traditional chimney
The chimney used to discharge the ue gas must
be made in accordance with standards UNI 10683
- EN 1856-1-2 - EN 1857 - EN 1443 - EN 13384-
1-3 - EN 12391-1 both as regards the dimensions
and the construction materials used.
DAMAGED chimneys made from unsuitable
material (asbestos cement, galvanised steel,
etc.... with a rough and porous inside surface) are
prohibited by law and affect proper stove operation.
The ue gas can be discharged through a traditional
chimney (Fig. 5.8) as long as you make sure on the
state of maintenance of the chimney.
For larger chimneys, suitably insulated steel
pipes need to be inserted on the inside (diameter
according to the length) (Fig. 5.9).
Makes sure connections to brick chimneys are
suitably sealed.
If the ues run through wooden roofs or walls,
special certi ed pass-through kits need to be used,
available on the market.
1) Vermiculite and/or rock wool.
2) Steel pipes.
3) Closure panel.
A) Chimney pot with wind protection
B) Seal
C) Inspection
fig. 5.8
fig. 5.9