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210 mm
Installation instructions
for brackets
Montageanleitung für
die Halterungen
Instructions de montage
Instrucciones de instalacion
de los estribos
Istruzioni di montaggio
delle staffe
Montage-instructies beugels
Instruksjoner for montering
Kannattimien asennusohjeet
Instruções de montagem
dos suportes
för fästena
til beslag
av stenger



Resumen de contenidos para Fiamma 98655-284

  • Página 1 Instructions de montage pattesi Instrucciones de instalacion de los estribos Istruzioni di montaggio delle staffe Montage-instructies beugels Monteringsanvisningar för fästena Monteringsvejledning til beslag Instruksjoner for montering av stenger Kannattimien asennusohjeet Instruções de montagem dos suportes MERCEDES VITO 98655-284 210 mm...
  • Página 2 FIAMMASTORE Package contents / Verpackungsinhalt / Contenu de l’emballage / Contenido del embalaje / Contenuto dell’imballo / Inhoud van de verpakking / Förpackningens innehåll / Pakkens indhold / Innholdet i pakningen / Pakkauksen sisältö / Conteúdo da embalagem p. 2 Installation instructions / Montageanleitung / Instructions de montage / Instrucciones de montaje / Istruzioni di montaggio / Montage-instructies / Monteringsanvisningar / Monteringsvejledning / Monteringsinstruksjoner / Asennusohjeet / Instruções de montagem...
  • Página 3 FIAMMASTORE Check that nothing has been damaged or deformed during transport. In the event of doubts or questions concerning the installation, use or limitations of the product, contact the dealer. We recommend that the installation is carried out by qualifi ed personnel and in compliance with current local regulations. Bitte kontrollieren Sie, dass alle Einzelteile einwandfrei sind und nicht während dem Transport beschädigt wurden.
  • Página 4 FIAMMASTORE ATTENTION: INSTALLATION ON FIXING KIT The awnings are to be fixed on the brackets so that the words “SUPPORT” on the awning are in correspondence of the brackets: this condition is necessary and indispensable for the two brackets situated at the extremities (which are located on the fixing point of the arms on the case-box). It is important, but not indispensable, for the central bracket/s as it/they provide/s only a mounting support.
  • Página 5 FIAMMASTORE BELANGRIJK: INSTALLATIE OP BEVESTIGINGSSET De luifels zijn op zodanige wijze bevestigd op de beugels dat de opschriften “SUPPORT” op de luifel ter hoogte van de beugels leesbaar zijn: dit is belangrijk en bepalend voor de twee beugels aan beide uiteinden (in overeenstemming met het bevestigingspunt van de armen op de cassette).
  • Página 7 FIAMMASTORE ø 5,2 mm ø 5,2 mm FRONT FRONT...
  • Página 8 FIAMMASTORE Installation of the bracket on the roof rack. Anbringung der Halterungan der Dachreling. Installation de la patte sur les barres de toit. Instalación del estribo sobre el portaequipajes. Montaggio della staffa sul portapacchi. De beugel op het bagagerek monteren. Montering av takräckets stativ.
  • Página 9 FIAMMASTORE FRONT Før skruerne strammes helt, skal du Before tightening the screws, make kontrollere placeringen af markisen sure that the awning position doesn’t for at sikre, at det er muligt at åbne prevent the opening of the rear door. bagklappen helt. Vor dem Anziehen der Schraube, die Før du strammer skruene må...
  • Página 10 FIAMMASTORE FRONT Neem bij het gebruik van de luifel de betreffende gebruiksaanwijzingen in acht. When using the awning please follow För användning av markisen, följ the instructions of the product. anvisningarna på produkten. Bitte halten Sie sich beim Gebrauch der Overhold anvisningerne vedlagt produktet Markise an die Gebrauchsanweisung.
  • Página 11 FIAMMASTORE...
  • Página 12 FIAMMASTORE ATTENTION Periodically check the brackets to make sure they are firmly attached (especially after the first kilometers) make sure the bolts are not loose and that holding brackets have not shifted. ACHTUNG Regelmässig die Befestigung der Halterungen kontrollieren. Achten Sie vor allem nach dem ersten Sicherstellen darauf, dass sich die Haltebügel nicht verschoben haben.
  • Página 13 FIAMMASTORE Read the following instructions and warnings carefully; failure to observe these installation and usage instructions as well as the laws for driving in the relevant country may cause severe harm or damage for which the manufacturer declines all responsibility. Before installation, ensure compatibility with the vehicle on which the product must be installed.
  • Página 14 FIAMMASTORE Läs noggrant igenom instruktionerna och anvisningarna. Försummelse att följa dessa monteringsinstruktioner och bruksanvisningen samt trafi kreglerna i landet där fordonet används kan leda till allvarliga skador som tillverkaren inte ansvarar för. Innan monteringen, se till att produkten är kompatibel med fordonet som den installerats på. Se alltid till att väggen/tak/dörren på...
  • Página 15 FIAMMASTORE Warranty Fiamma In case of defects with regards to materials and manufacturing, the customer is entitled to the warranty in accordance with local laws and regulations of the country in which the product was purchased. Garantie Fiamma im Falle einer Mangelhaftigkeit der Ware, kann der Verbraucher unter den erforderlichen Voraussetzungen gegenüber dem Verkäufer von dem Garantieanspruch zu den festgelegten...
  • Página 16 All rights reserved. Fiamma S.p.A. reserves the right to modify at any time, without notice, prices, materials, Fiamma S.p.A. - Italy specifi cations and models or to cease Via San Rocco, 56 production of any model. 21010 Cardano al Campo (VA)