Basic Functions
Fault relay, unlocking
The fault relay is energized when the speed controller is powered up and there is no fault. It has a
common point C/O contact.
The speed controller is unlocked after a fault by the following operations :
- Powering down the speed controller until the display and the red LED extinguish, then powering up
- Automatically when the "automatic restart" function has been activated
- Via a logic input when this input is assigned to the "fault reset" function
Speed controller thermal protection
Thermal protection by thermistor fitted on the heatsink or integrated in the power module.
Indirect protection of the speed controller against overloads by current limit. Typical tripping points :
- motor current = 185 % of nominal speed controller current : 2 seconds
- motor current = maximum speed controller transient current : 60 seconds
Speed controller ventilation
The fan is powered automatically when the speed controller is unlocked (operating direction +
reference). It is powered down a few seconds after the speed controller is locked (motor speed < 0.5 Hz
and injection braking completed).
Motor thermal protection
Thermal protection by calculating I
Caution : The motor thermal state memory is reset to zero when the speed controller is switched off.