4. maiNteNaNce
4.1 GeNeraL reCOmmeNDaTIONs FOr maINTeNaNCe
• Before proceeding to any kind of action, carefully read the instructions contained in this publication.
• All the routine and extraordinary maintenance operations are to be performed after disconnecting the product from
the main power sources.
• When the electrical equipment is operational, some parts of the equipment use hazardous voltage.
• Behaviors that are not in compliance with the safety instructions in utilizing this equipment can therefore cause
death or severe damage to people and/or things.
• The extraordinary maintenance operations must be entrusted to specialized competent personnel only.
• The user's and maintenance instructions contained in this publication and the warnings reported on the product
are therefore to be complied with.
• Comply with the time intervals indicated for the maintenance interventions.
• To ensure the perfect operation of the product, make sure that any replacement, if needed, is exclusively performed
with Alessanderx S.p.A. original spare parts.
• Once the maintenance operations are performed, before restarting the product, make sure that: the replaced parts,
if any, and/or the tools used for the maintenance operations have been removed from the product
• All the use and maintenance operations of the purchased parts of the product that are not reported in this manual
are contained in the relevant publications enclosed with this manual.
4.2 meCHaNICaL maINTeNaNCe
4.2.1 rOUTINe maINTeNaNCe
The maintenance tasks that should be performed on the product are; Every month:
• check the operation of the drive mechanisms and if necessary, lubricate them with silicone sprays, products that
are easily found on the market visually
• check the condition of the product's structure in order to locate any possible damage and/or deformation.