What is the
whisperer describing?
five wooden coins =
The whisperer
The player who rolled the die is the whisperer and places the poster
next to the game board so that everybody can see it well.
All players take part in this activity and can win a wooden coin.
The whisperer chooses a motif and in a low and soft voice describes it
to the other players. He may not however name the motif itself.
Example: Ben is the whisperer and chooses the hedgehog.
In a whisper he explains: "It is a living creature. An animal.
It hibernates .."
The other players try to guess as quickly as they can what is being
Whoever names it first gets a wooden coin. As a reward for the good
description the whisperer also gets a wooden coin.
Whoever is wrong does not get a coin and drops out for this round. If
no one guesses correctly, no one receives a coin.
Then it's the turn of the next player in a clockwise direction to roll the die.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as the first sensory explorer has collected five
wooden coins thus winning the game. If two sensory explorers do so at the
same time, they both win.