General instructions
These operating instructions contain information and
instructions regarding the safe and proper use of your
In the text of these operating instructions, we refer to
figures and individual items within the figures. These
references are shown in brackets. Example: (3, fig. 2)
refers to figure 2, item 3.
Keep all documents supplied in a safe place.
Proper use
The commode is to be used solely as an aid for show-
ering or bathing, going to the toilet or for transfer in-
Any other use is prohibited.
Do not use the commode outdoors or as a climbing
The commode can be used as a commode for stand-
ard toilets or with an (optional) sanitary pan.
AQUATEC provides the product with a 2 year warran-
ty. The rechargeable battery in the battery box is not
included in the warranty.
The warranty period begins at the delivery date as
shown on the AQUATEC delivery note.
The product is designed for repeated use. The maxi-
mum number of times you can re-use the product de-
pends on its general state and condition.
On reconditioning, always follow the AQUATEC recon-
ditioning and hygiene instructions. These are available
on request from AQUATEC.
The disposal and recycling of old devices
and packaging must be conducted in accord-
ance with the applicable legal regulations.
CE marking
The product complies with EU directive 93/42/EEC for
medical equipment.
The product meets the requirements of the
DIN EN 60601-1-2 norm (electromagnetic compatibili-
ty) and the DIN EN 12182 norm (technical aids for dis-
abled persons).
Safety instructions
Warnings and symbols
The following warnings and symbols are used in these
operating instructions:
This notice indicates a potential hazard.
Not following these instructions can re-
sult in injury or damage.
This symbol indicates additional instructions,
information or tips.
General instructions
Lock the brakes in the parked position.
Only use the commode indoors and on even,
flat surfaces.
Always use the chest belt when transporting
a person.
Do not use the commode as a climbing aid.
If you detect any malfunction, please contact
your authorised dealer immediately.
Do not modify or reconstruct the device.
Never carry out work on the spindles or the
electric components. Please contact your au-
thorised dealer immediately if a spindle is
damaged or faulty.
Observe the information on the label. Do not
overload the commode.
Transport or store the product in a dry room
at a temperature between 0 °C and 40 °C
and a humidity of 30 to 75 %.
* In the text, a picture illustrating the type of risk re-
places the asterisk.