Comfort Cushions - M2, ACTA-EMBRACE, Curve Operation Manual
WARNINGS - Motor Vehicle Transportation:
- Failure to pay attention to these warnings could result in severe injury
to the individual in the wheelchair or to others.
- Whenever possible, transfer out of the wheelchair and into a
manufacturer-installed vehicle seat without the cushion, and use the
vehicle's crash-tested occupant restraint system.
- The cushion must be correctly and securely installed, used, and
maintained according to the instructions and warnings provided by the
cushion manufacturer.
- When the wheelchair is used as the vehicle seat, the cushion
should only be used with wheelchair frames that are equipped with
securement points specified in ANSI/RESNA WC-4:2017, section 19
(WC19) or ISO 7176-19, and that have been successfully crash tested on
a wheelchair in the forward-facing position.
- The wheelchair with the cushion must be used with an effective
wheelchair securement system and a properly positioned, crash-tested
pelvic and shoulder-belt restraint, or Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant
Restraint System (WTORS), following the manufacturer's instructions.
- If the cushion has been involved in an accident during transport,
check the cushion for damage and replace if necessary. See the
"Troubleshooting" section in this manual.
- For more information about safely transporting wheelchair users, refer
- A ROHO QUADTRO SELECT Cushion was included in a wheelchair
seating system that was dynamically tested by a third-party testing
facility for use in a motor vehicle. The system tested meets all
applicable criteria for wheelchair seating systems proposed in Section
5.1 of ANSI/RESNA WC-4:2017 Section 20 "Wheelchair Seating Systems
for Use in Motor Vehicles.
- Test results apply to seating systems intended for use by adults
and children with a total body mass greater than 23 kg (51 lb, or
approximately 6 years of age) who are transported facing forward in
their wheelchairs in all types of motor vehicles.
- To determine whether motor vehicle third-party testing has been
performed with a specific seating system combination, refer to all
provided equipment operation manuals or contact the equipment
CAUTION: DO NOT modify the cushion or cover. Doing so may result
in damage to the product and will void the warranty.