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General Information; Preparing And Installing The Arctic Pak - DuPont FROTH-PAK Manual


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Section 16
Arctic Pak Hose Replacement Set

16.1 General Information

In ambient temperatures below 65°F (18°C), use of Arctic Pak
heated chemical hoses is often required for consistent, quality
results . The Arctic Pak will keep the chemicals at an even, warm
temperature to allow uniform processing .
This product is primarily intended to keep already warmed
materials at temperature during transit to the dispensing
Gun . Chemical tanks should be stored in a warm
location until use, and may require use of a tank heater band
set (please see Section 15) .
The Arctic Pak is used in place of unheated chemical transport
lines where described throughout this manual (Sections 3 .3 and
elsewhere) .
DO NOT use standard 30 foot Froth-Pak hoses in an Arctic Pak
heated jacket .
DO NOT use Arctic Pak hoses in place of nitrogen lines or for
conveying non-polyurethane chemicals of any type .
DO NOT use the Arctic Pak with any flammable materials .
Locate unneeded hose (if any) out of the traffic path to prevent
a trip hazard . Never attempt to cut the Arctic Pak to a shorted
length or to splice in additional hose .
The Arctic Pak is fully pressure checked and is flushed with
nitrogen at the factory prior to shipment . To keep the hoses
from having moisture or other undesirable materials introduced
into them, please keep the hose end plugs in place until
beginning installation .

16.2 Preparing and Installing the Arctic Pak

1 . Unpack and examine your Arctic Pak for possible shipping
damage . Do not use if damage has occurred .
2 . As per Section 3 .3, connect your Gun/Hose Assembly to the
in-line on-off valves .
3 . Remove plugs from the dispenser end of the hose . The
dispenser end is the end without the electrical cord entering
it . Connect the in-line on-off valves to the dispenser end of
the Arctic Pak hoses and tighten securely . Close the on-off
valves if not already closed .
4 . The electrical cord servicing the heaters enters at the tank
end of the jacket . Remove plugs from the tank end of
the hose .
5 . Connect the tank end of each hose to the appropriate
chemical tank on-off valve . The hose with the red colored
sleeve and blue body should connect to the isocyanate tank .
The blue sleeved, black bodied hose should connect to the
polyol tank . Close the on-off valves if not already closed .
6 . Follow the remaining operating manual instructions for
Chemical Hose Installation (Section 3 .3) . Also execute the
instructions regarding System Pressurization (Section 4 . 1 ),
and System Purging and Testing (Section 4 .3) as they are
the same for both heated and unheated hoses . The only
difference here is to make sure whenever checking the flow
or purging an Arctic Pak hose make sure that a grey backed
or white backed calibration nozzle is attached to the gun .
7 . Now that chemical is contained within the hoses, turn the
controller to its lowest setting and plug the heater controller
into a standard 110vAC outlet capable of continuously
providing 15 amps of service . As with any electrical device,
care should be taken to keep the system out of wet areas
and to avoid mechanical damage to the controller, electrical
lines, heated hose jacket, and other electrically charged parts .
8 . Follow Calibration Instructions (Section 4 .2) noting the
exiting chemical temperature, which should be 70°F (21°C)
or higher . Adjust the controller as needed to provide the heat
desired . This temperature will depend on ambient conditions,
type of application, and the chemical system being used .
Let the process results be your final guide in deciding a set
point temperature .
9 . Shut-Down, Re-Start, Tank Change procedures, etc . are the
same as outlined in this manual for standard unheated hose .
10 . When changing the tanks or whenever leaving the system
unmanned for long periods of time (overnight, for example),
it is good practice to unplug the heater controller .



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