3. Facility scheme
1. Filtra�on pump
2. Filter
3. Heat pump *
4. Check valve
5. pH probe
* Optional
To drain
4. Installation guide
To achieve the correct installa�on, please follow the recommenda�ons listed below:
General considerations
• If you are installing this system in a plastered pool, wait at least 1 month a�er having installed the shell to
run the unit. This way the plaster will be able to cure properly.
• It is recommended to install a sacrifice anode and bond it as well as the other pool metal components to
the main ground, in order to avoid galvanic corrosion.
Control unit
• Choose a convenient well-ven�lated area, respec�ng always the length of the cell wire.
• The control unit must be kept away from the sunlight, any source of heat or any other chemical storage.
• Fix the control unit ver�cally at least 1.5 meters above the ground level and away at least 3 meters form the
• Connect the pump in a way that the control unit runs if and when the SSC system does so, as it is said in
1.Safety warnings.
• Beware of the rear aluminium heatsink: it can reach high temperatures.
Electrolytic cell
• The cell must be placed horizontally, close to the pool return.
• In order to op�mize the chlorine effec�veness, the cell has to be
piped as shown in the 3.Facility scheme.
• The water flow indica�on on the cell housing must be regarded.
• A by-pass in the electroly�c cell is strongly advised.
• If there is a hea�ng or a UV system, it is highly advisable to install a
check valve a�er these components. Any complementary UV-disinfec-
�on system should be installed before SSCmini cell.
• Before connec�ng or handling the cell electric connectors, make
sure that the power supply is not connected.
• Connect the cable according the numbers appearing on the sockets, as seen on the image .
• Before running the hydraulic system, wait 24h a�er having glued the pipe line so as to ensure the glue curing.
6. Dosing pump
7. Acid tank
8. pH injec�on
9. SSCmini control box
10. SSCMini cell
11. Cell by-pass
From pool
To pool