Displaying network configuration information
In order to display the network configuration, proceed as follows:
Î Click the Status main menu.
The following information is displayed in LAN:
• IP address
• MAC address
Displaying WLAN connection information
In order to display the WLAN connection information, proceed as follows:
Î Click the Status main menu.
The following information is displayed in WLAN:
• Network name (SSID)
• Signal strength (for more information on signal strength, see chap. 7.23 on page
• Encryption
• Channel
• IP address
• MAC address
Displaying access point information
In order to display access point information, proceed as follows:
Î Click the Status main menu.
The following information is displayed in Access point:
• Network name (SSID)
• Encryption
• MAC address
• Channel
• IP address
7.10 Changing the Web interface language
The Web interface can be displayed in different languages.
Î Click the flag to select the language.
• German
• English
• French
• Spanish
• Italian
The language is then changed for this session.
In order to select a language permanently, proceed as follows:
1. In the Configuration main menu, select the General submenu.
2. In the General Configuration menu, in the Language dropdown menu, se-
lect one of the following languages:
• English (en)
• Deutsch (de)
• Français (fr)
• Español (es)
• Italiano (it)
3. Click Save configuration.
7.11 Configuring logging settings
In the Logging submenu, the logging interval and the logging type can be adjusted.
In order to configure the logging interval, proceed as follows:
1. In the Configuration main menu, select the Logging submenu.
2. Adjust the desired value in the Logging interval field.
3. Click Save configuration.
The smaller the logging interval, the more memory capacity is used.
The logging type determines how the DL2 Plus Datalogger behaves when its inter-
nal memory capacity is fully used.
There are 2 different settings possible for the log mode configuration:
• Cyclic (factory setting): When the memory capacity is fully used, the oldest data
are overwritten.
• Linear: When the memory capacity is fully used, data logging stops.
In order to configure the logging type, proceed as follows:
1. In the Configuration main menu, select the Logging submenu.
2. In the Logging type dropdown menu, select the desired value.
3. Click Save configuration.
7.12 Displaying live data
In the live data display, the values of the controller connected are displayed and
refreshed automatically every 20 seconds. In order to display live data, proceed as
1. In the Data main menu, select the Live submenu.
2. Select the connected controller whose values are to be displayed.