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Twin Disc TECHNODRIVE TM 1200A Uso Y Manutención página 48


bligazioni sono particolari ed esclusive e
sostituiscono ogni altra condizione espli-
cita o implicita che comprenda le garanzie
di commercializzazione e di conformità
TWIN DISC s.r.l. non si assume nè delega
ad altri alcuna altra responsabilità relativa
alla commercializzazione del prodotto.
TWIN DISC s.r.l. declina ogni responsabi-
lità per danni speciali o consequenziali di
ogni altra natura e non è, in ogni caso, re-
sponsabile per danni che superino il valo-
re commerciale degli invertitori TM 1200A
Release 00-03/08
abuse, misuse, negligent maintenance,
alteration, improper installation, operating
conditions exceeding those set forth in
the specification of the said product. No
unauthorized expenses for repair or repla-
cement of the product or its components
shall be reimbursed by TWIN DISC s.r.l.
or its authorized Service Dealer.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of all
other warranties expresses or implied in-
cluding the warranties of merchantability
and fitness for use and of all other obliga-
tions including, without limitation, conse-
quential damages.
TWIN DISC s.r.l. neither assumes nor au-
thorizes any other person to assume for
TWIN DISC s.r.l. any other liability in con-
nection with the sale of the product and
shall in no event be liable for any breach
of warranty in an amount exceeding the
purchase price of the TM 1200A reversing
marine transmission respectively.
n'auraient pas obtenu préalablement l'ac-
cord écrit de TWIN DISC s.r.l..
Cette garantie et les obligations ci-dessus
sont particulières et exclusives, et rempla-
cent toutes les autres garanties énoncées
ou implicites y compris les garanties com-
merciales et les garanties de conformité
et d'utilisation appropriées.
TWIN DISC s.r.l. ne pourra en aucun cas
être tenue responsable pour des domma-
ges spéciaux et conséquences et en tout
cas, pour un coût ou montant de répara-
tion dépassant le prix d'achat de l'inver-
MTM 1200 - edition - 03/08

