Safety notes
> Only use tips that have been approved by iM3 and the associated tip changers.
> An overview of the correct power settings is included with every tip.
> With periodontal tips, the device is suitable for the removal of concretions in the subgingival region, but not
or applications which demand sterile conditions. Choose the lower performance range when carrying out periodontal
treatments on hypersensitive patients in order to guarantee optimum pain-free treatment.
> Ensure that the original shape of the tips is not affected (e.g. by being dropped).
> The tips must not be bent back into shape or resharpened.
> Locate and secure the tip only with the device switched off.
> Never touch the tips when vibrating.
> Insert the tip changer onto the inserted tip of the stationary device after every treatment (protection against
injury and infection, tip protection). Tips that are changed using a spanner must be removed from the device immediately
after treatment.
> Do not touch into the tip changer (with tip inserted).
> Check for the effect of wear on the tips using the accompanying tip card.
> Change tips if there are visible signs of wear.