This value in minutes will start your lamp according to the set dimming
range in % you have entered before. [Example: Your 1.1 ON time is 08:00
o'clock and your minimal dimming range you have set from 100% to 5%.
The sunrise value you set for example to 15min. At 08:00 your light will start
with 5% and linearly rise the value to 100% until 08:15 o'clock.]
Push ENTER the time in minutes starts to blink, change the value with
the arrows UP/DOWN and push set save to return to the sub menu.
This value in minutes will stop your lamp according to the set dimming
range in % you have entered before. [Example: Your 1.2 OFF Time is 20:00
o'clock and your minimal dimming range you have set from 100% to 5%.
The sunset value you set for example to 15min. At 19:45 your light will start
to dim from 100% and linearly low the value to 5% until 20:00 o'clock switch
Push ENTER the time in minutes starts to blink, change the value with
the arrows UP/DOWN and push set save to return to the sub menu.
Return with SAVE/EXIT to the Choose a channel and one more time to
reach the menu settings. Push the arrow DOWN chose General settings
and confirm with ENTER.
2 General settings
2.1 Set time
2.2 Set languages
2.3 Set back-light
2.4 Set output signal
2.5 Set temperature offset
2.6 Reset to factory settings
2.7 Software version
Choose Set time and confirm with ENTER. You see Set Date/Time.
Push again ENTER to change the value. dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm .As first the
dd starts to blink. Set here the correct day date. Push SAVE/EXIT to save
and return or Enter to change the next value. Change now the mm moths,
repeat ENTER to change yyyy year, repeat to change the hh hours and mm
minutes. Push SAVE/EXIT to save and return to the sub menu.
GSE Light timer
Timer box IV
Set date-time