If the expression of breast milk is new to you, you will need some time and practice until it will work properly. Do not
get discouraged if it does not work smoothly right from the beginning. It is, however, still important to observe the
following points:
The handling of breast milk requires special attention to be paid to hygiene. For this reason, you should clean the
breast using clear water before the expression. Clean and/or disinfect the pump as specified under point 4 "Cleaning
and disinfection" and wash your hands.
Take your time for the expression. Sit down at a quiet place where you are undisturbed and prepare yourself
something to drink, read or have the TV remote control ready to hand. Ensure that you sit comfortably. You can best
prepare the breast for the coming milk expression by massaging or warming the breast before the expression.
At the beginning, the breast milk has a different composition than after some minutes of expression. Emptying both
breasts completely ensures that the perfect milk quantity will be reproduced and inflammation or breast engorgement
will be prevented.
During nursing, the let-down reflex is automatically triggered by the close contact with your baby. During expressi-
on, this is not always easy. It may therefore by helpful if your baby is near you or if you look at a picture of him/her.
Sometimes also the idea and anticipation of holding your baby in your arms again soon may be helpful.
If you express and nurse at the same time, make sure to put the baby to the breast first and express afterwards.
The expression period should lie between 20 and 30 minutes. To support the oxytocin release to the maximum
extent, you should express your breasts alternately:
First express both breasts for 7 minutes one after the other, then for 5 minutes and finally for 3 minutes.
Do not ignore discomfort or other symptoms
If you still experience discomfort or other symptoms during the expression, do not ignore them and contact your
breastfeeding counsellor, midwife, your physician or pharmacist.
There is no pump suction at all or the suction is too weak
• First of all, check whether the pump has been correctly assembled. Specifically ensure that the piston (5) has
been completely pulled through the cylinder (6) and the cylinder is firmly attached to the pump body
• Check whether the vent (8) has been firmly attached to the bottom of the pump body
• Ensure during expression that the breast completely seals the shield so that no air can enter at the sides.
No milk is expressed
• Make sure that the milk pump has been assembled correctly.
• Look for a quiet place, relax and try again after a few minutes.
• If you are still unable to express milk, contact your breastfeeding counsellor, midwife, your physician or
The nip
first moments breast pump is made of polypropylene (PP) and silicone. Dispose of it complying with the
local regulations.
If you need more information, please visit us online at firstmoments.nip.family
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Instructions d'utilisation importantes pour
le tire-lait manuel nip
first moments
1 //
2 //
Indications importantes avant la première utilisation
3 //
Description de l'appareil et consignes de sécurité
3.1 Destination
3.2 Description
3.3 Troubles éventuels
3.4 Hygiène
3.5 Remarques sur le biberon, la tétine et le récipient pour lait maternel
4 //
Désassemblage et assemblage
4.1 Description des composants
4.2 Désassemblage
4.3 Assemblage
5 //
Nettoyage et désinfection
5.1 Avant la première utilisation
5.2 Après chaque utilisation et une fois par jour
6 //
6.1 Tirer le lait maternel
6.2 Donner au bébé le lait maternel tiré
7 //
8 //
9 //
Conseils pour pomper
10 //
11 //
20 – 21
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