button to signal to your device that you are
not buried. If no action on your part is de-
tected, the device automatically reverts to
transmit mode.
Warning: if a search is still in progress to find other buried
victims, is important for your device to stay in search mode.
If it reverts to transmit mode, it will interfere with the search
for other victims. Make sure that you push your device's
marking button to stay in search mode if you are not caught
or buried in a secondary avalanche.
Before you start probing, make sure that you place your
device in the dedicated pocket you chosen to carry it, with
the zipper closed, to keep it out of the cold and well-pro-
tected from impacts. As soon as you have defined the zone
where the victim is likely buried, it is quicker to start probing.
Search for the victim by probing in concentric spirals pro-
gressively away from the minimum distance point detected
by your ARVA. Probe perpendicular to the slope.
Statistically, shoveling takes at least as much
time as the transceiver search. It is important
to take a methodic approach to shoveling.
The V-shaped conveyor technique allows
you to optimize shoveling. As soon you
uncover the person, it is important to
turn off their transceiver as quickly as