B. Variations in blood pressure:
Individual blood pressures vary great-
ly both on a daily and a seasonal ba-
These variations are even more pro-
nounced in hyper tense patients.
Normally the blood pressure rises
while at work and is at its lowest dur-
ing sleeping period.
(hyper tense: means a person who
has high blood pressure symptom.)
The graph below illustrated the variations in blood pressure over a whole day with meas-
urement taken every five minutes.
The thick line represents sleep. The rise in blood pressure at 4 PM (A in the graph) and 12
PM (B in the graph) correspond to an attack of pain.
* Do not use this manual and product as a substitute for advice, diagnosing or treating
a health problem or prescribing any medication by your doctor. If you have a medical
problem, promptly consult your healthcare provider.
* Read the Instruction Manual thoroughly before measuring and keep it at hand for your
reference at any time.
* This device uses the oscillometric method to measure systolic and diastolic blood pres-
sure as well as your heart rate. It's recommended for use by people over the age of 18
and not to be used on infant or children.
* The device is designed for home use and not suitable for clinical use.
• Do not take a measurement in a low (less than 41°F/5°C) and high (more than 104°F/
40°C) temperature, nor in a place outside humidity ranges (15% ~ 93% R.H.), and at-
mospheric pressure ranges (700 ~ 1060 hPa) or you may get inaccurate readings.
• Wait 30 ~ 45 minutes before measurement if you've just consumed caffeinated beverag-
es or smoked cigarettes.
• Rest at least 5 ~ 10 minutes before taking a measurement.
• To allow your blood vessels to return to the condition prior to taking the measurement,
please wait at least 3 ~ 5 minutes in between measurements. You may need to adjust
the wait time according to your personal physiological situation.
• We recommend you using the same arm (preferably the left arm) and measuring around
the same time each day.
• Sit down comfortably and place your elbow on the table with your feet flat on the floor.
Please do not cross your legs during measurements.
• Keep the device at heart level. Relax your hand with the palm facing up.
• Perform measurements in a quiet and relaxed environment at room temperature.