Declaration of Incorporation according to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II 1 B (Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008):
Authorized representative for compiling the relevant technical documentation
Product designation
Product name
Item number
The manufacturer hereby declares that the products indicated above is an incomplete machine within the meaning of the Machinery Directive. The products are intended
exclusively for installation into a machine or incomplete machine and as such does not meet all the requirements of the Machinery Directive.
The special technical documentation according to Appendix VII Part B has been established. The person authorized to compile the technical documentation agrees to
hand over the documentation upon justified request by the national authorities. The transfer will be made by mail in paper form or on an electronic data medium.
It is forbidden to operate the product until it has been determined that the machine in which the aforementioned product is to be installed meets all fundamental require-