2.2 Customer service
For contact details for our customer ser-
vice department, you can write to the ad-
dress that is provided on the back page, or
you can visit www.vaillant.co.uk.
3 IE, Ireland
3.1 Guarantee
We only grant a Vaillant manufacturers
warranty if a suitably qualified engineer
has installed the system in accordance
with Vaillant instructions. The system
owner will be granted a warranty in ac-
cordance with the Vaillant terms and con-
ditions. All requests for work during the
guarantee period must be made to Vaillant
Service Solutions.
3.2 Customer service
For contact details for our customer ser-
vice department, you can write to the ad-
dress that is provided on the back page, or
you can visit www.vaillant.co.uk.
4 PT, Portugal
4.1 Garantia
A garantia deste produto está ao abrigo da
legislação em vigor.
4.2 Serviço de apoio ao cliente
Pode encontrar os dados de contacto para
o nosso serviço de apoio ao cliente por
baixo do endereço indicado no verso ou
em www.vaillant.pt.
5 SI, Slovenia
5.1 Garancija
Garancija velja pod pogoji, ki so navedeni
v garancijskem listu. Uporabnik je dolžan
upoštevati pogoje navedene v garancij-
skem listu.
5.2 Servisna služba
Uporabnik je za prvi zagon naprave in po-
trditev garancijskega lista dolžan poklicati
pooblaščeni Vaillant servis. V nasprotnem
primeru garancija ne velja. Vsa eventuelna
popravila na aparatu lahko izvaja izključno
Vaillant servis.
Popis pooblaščenih serviserjev lahko do-
bite na Zastopstvu Vaillanta v Sloveniji:
Vaillant d.o.o.
Dolenjska c. 242 b
1000 Ljubljana
Tel. 01 28093 40
Tel. 01 28093 42
Tel. 01 28093 46
Tehnični oddelek 01 28093 45
Fax 01 28093 44
Country specifics 0020298957_02