3 Size Selection of the Orthosis
The orthosis is selected according to the shoe size:
Article no.
50S1=L35 – 37
50S1=R35 – 37
50S1=L37 – 39
50S1=R37 – 39
50S1=L39 – 41
50S1=R39 – 41
50S1=L41 – 44
50S1=R41 – 44
4 Construction
The dynamic ankle orthosis is ready for immediate trial fitting. An elastic strap runs medially from
the lateral foot edge to the calf and across the top of the foot. The torsion cut at the distal end of
the brace leaves the ball of the big toe free, thus lifting the lateral forefoot section.
5 Fitting the Orthosis
Apply the orthosis as follows
Place the foot in the plastic shell, sliding the heel to the back.
Pull the lower hook & loop strap from the inner side of the foot across the top of the foot through
the outer plastic guide, then tighten the strap so that the heel will snugly fit to the shell.
Pull the upper hook & loop strap through the plastic loop and fasten it (fig. 1).
Fasten the hook & loop strap on the forefoot.
Slighty stretch the elastic functional strap and fasten it (fig. 2).
Adapting by the orthopedic technician/orthotist
The injection molded polypropylene sheet may be moderately modified (do not heat to tempe-
ratures exceeding 194 °F/90 °C). If it is necessary to modify the trimlines, the edges must be
smoothed carefully since the material has minimal tear resistance when notched. The supplied
straps are extra long and should be shortened to an appropriate length during fitting.
If pressure develops at the ankle or shin, the pads that are supplied with the orthosis may be
glued to the strap (figs. 3 and 4).
6 Recommendations
To ensure the effectiveness of this orthosis, it must always be worn snugly.
In addition to proper application and regular check-ups with adjustments, patient cooperation
plays an important role. The orthosis must be must worn as prescribed.
Since the orthosis is water-resistent, showers are possible while wearing it.
It is very important that the patient understand the important function of dynamic restraints.
A Patient Information sheet (646D36) is available for this purpose.
7 Warranty
The Otto Bock Warranty applies only when the product is used according to the specified con-
ditions and for the intended purposes, following all manufacturer's recommendations (see our
general terms of sales, delivery and payment).
Shoe size
35 – 37
35 – 37
37 – 39
37 – 39
39 – 41
39 – 41
41 – 44
41 – 44
American Shoe Size
4- 5
4- 6
4- 5
4- 6
5- 7
6- 8
5- 7
6- 8
7- 9
7- 9