perform the "Add another remote" sequence (Cherubini sequence AB+B).
- On the DOMI screen, press the icon
be associated.
- DOMI will send a command sequence, which will cause the utility to respond by moving
(motor) or with a sequence of impulses (other utilities).
Wait for the sequence to end before using the commands set up for the DOMI utility.
Association of a Cherubini product with a DOMI utility:
Use this procedure only for Cherubini products not yet programmed with a
Cherubini remote control.
- Select the desired DOMI utility.
- Start the association procedure (icon
- DOMI will send a command sequence, which will cause the utility to
respond by moving (motor) or with a sequence of impulses (other utilities).
Wait for the procedure to end before using the commands associated with the utility.
and confirm to start the sequence.
- DOMI will send a command sequence, which will cause the utility to respond by moving
(motor) or with a sequence of impulses (other utilities).
Wait for the sequence to end and conclude by pressing the B button for 2 seconds on the
remote control to be added.
Check that the commands on the new remote control function properly.
Dissociation and deletion of a utility created in DOMI:
Association of a DOMI utility on a product with an
already programmed remote control
- Open the "utility" menu from the quick access bar.
- Select the desired utility.
- On the remote control that controls the utility to be associated,
among the advanced commands of the utility to
Association of another remote control with a utility
associated with DOMI (a part of the sentence removed)
- Open the page for adding a remote control using the
- Select the utility to which a remote control is to be added
- Access the change utility
- Select the utility to be removed.
- Delete (icona
- DOMI will send a command sequence, which will cause the
utility to respond by moving (motor) or with a sequence of