Product 8565
Read instructions carefully before starting test
Coconut Allergen
3-D for Coconut Allergen is uniquely designed with
three lines of detection and can be used virtually anywhere to
screen environmental swabs, rinses and liquid products (e.g.,
UHT beverages, drink flavors) for the presence of coconut.
Its 3-D technology ensures greater reliability with screening
than ever before.
Reveal 3-D for Coconut Allergen is intended for use only in an industrial food manufacturing/prepa-
ration context. Because of the problems of adequate sampling and extraction of coconut, it is not
suitable for the testing of foods to be consumed in the home or in a restaurant by allergic individuals.
The test detects coconut residue in clean-in-place rinses, liquid products and environmental swabs.
The test uses highly specific antibodies to detect coconut. Coconut residues can be detected from
various surfaces using the provided environmental swabs or from rinses and liquid products (e.g.,
UHT beverages, drink flavors).
Utilizing the environmental swabs supplied, levels of 1.0 µg/100 cm
of coconut protein on surfaces
can be detected.
When analyzing rinses or liquid products, coconut residues are detectable at 1 ppm coconut protein.
The presence of cleaners and sanitizers can affect limit of detection (LOD) in rinses.
Reveal 3-D for Coconut Allergen has undergone rigorous validation to evaluate the specificity,
sensitivity, robustness and intra- and inter-batch variability of the test method on rinses, liquid
products and environmental swabs.