Fig. 3-1: Connecting the probe to the R&S RTO oscilloscope
► To disconnect, press the release button (3) and pull the probe box away from
the front panel of the base unit.
Identification of the Probe
When the probe is connected to the oscilloscope, the oscilloscope recognizes the
probe and reads out the probe-specific parameters.
The oscilloscope settings for attenuation and offset are automatically adjusted;
and the oscilloscope switches to high impedance coupling (1 MΩ) to ensure accu-
rate measurements.
To display probe-specific information and parameters:
1. On the "Vertical" menu, select "Probe Setup".
2. On the left side of the "Setup" tab, select the channel to which the probe is
The complete probe information is shown on the "Probe Attributes" tab.
User Manual 1409.8256.02 ─ 01
Allice Messtechnik GmbH
Putting into Operation
Identification of the Probe