At the same time, the backlight
minated ring will light up indicating the range
of the measured temperature; see chapter "In-
dicators for body temperature".
8. Carefully remove the probe tip of the thermom-
eter from your outer ear canal and read the
measured temperature on the LCD display. The
indicator (
in your ear has been measured. It is only pos-
sible to perform a new measurement after the
backlight has gone out (you must wait approx.
6 seconds).
Wait until the measurement has been
saved and no circles are visible on the
Measuring forehead
1. Fit the push-on adapter for measuring fore-
head temperature
that it is secure.
2. Before performing the measurement, make
sure that the infrared sensor is clean. Hold the
thermometer with your thumb on the button
( ) forehead measurement
push the button ( ) yet.
) indicates that the temperature
on the thermometer so
and the illu-
, but do not