Deleting Recordings
Deleting a Single Recording
1. Set the rotary switch to MR.
2. Use the p and u buttons to select the number of recordings to be deleted.
3. Press the CLR button for >2 seconds. The record number blinks and the LCD displays
the letters CLR.
4. Press the MEM button for >2 seconds to confirm the deletion. To cancel, press the CLR
button for >2 seconds.
Deleting All Recordings
1. Set the rotary switch to MR.
2. Press the CLR button for >2 seconds.
3. Press the p button; the record number is replaced by ALL.
4. To cancel, press the CLR button for >2 seconds. Otherwise, press the MEM button for >2
seconds to confirm the deletion.
5. The instrument displays a message indicating the memory is empty.