Usin the self-cleanin oven.
Wipe up heavy soil on the oven
a Self-Clean
FIRE HAZARD: Wipegreaseand heavy soil from the
ovenbottom beforeself-cleaning. F ailureto do so
may result in an oven fire.
Werecommendventing yourkitchenwith an open
windowor usinga ventilationfan or hood duringthe
Remove any broilerpan,broilergrid,probe,all
cookwareand any aluminumfoil from the oven.
tf your ovenisequippedwith shiny,silver-colored
ovenracks, w e recommendyou removethem
beforeyou beginthe self-cleancycle.Theymay
remainin the ovenduringthe self-cleancycle,but
they will darken,losetheir lusterand becomehard
to slide.
tf your ovenisequippedwith gray porcelain-
coatedovenracks, t hey may be left in the oven
duringthe self-clean cycle.
Soilon the front frameof the rangeand outside
the gasketon the door willneedto be cleanedby
hand.Cleantheseareaswith hotwater,soap-filled
steel-wool p adsor cleanserssuchasSoftScrub _.
Rinse wellwith cleanwater and dry.
Donot cleanthegasket.Thefiberglassmaterialof
the ovendoorgasketcannot withstandabrasion, i t is
essential f or the gasketto remainintact,if you notice
it becoming worn or frayed,replaceit.
Makesurethe ovenlightbulb coveris in placeand
the ovenlightisoff.
IMPORTANT: Thehealthof somebirdsisextremely
sensitive to the fumesgivenoff duringthe self-
cleaningcycleof any range.Hove birdsto another
well-ventilated room.
DoubleOvenand CanadianModelsOnly:
Thesurfaceunitsare automaticallydisabledduring
the self-clean cycle.Makesurethat all surface
unit controlsareturnedoff at alltimesduringthe
self-cleancycle.Any surfaceunitthat isset to an
"on"positionwhilethe self-cleancycleis operating
willautomaticallycome on after the self-clean cycle
isfinished,and couldresultin an "on"unattended
surfaceunit.Wait untilthe self-cleancycleisfinished
to set and usethe surfaceunits.
@DD N1
How to Set the Oven for Self-Cleaning
Theovendoors mustbe closedand all controlsset
correctlyfor the cycleto work properly.
Touchthe SELFCLEAN pad.
If a time other than the default time is
needed,usethe number pads and enter the
You can change the clean time to any time
between 3 hoursand Shours, dependingon how
dirty your ovenis.
Touchthe STARTpad.
Theoven door locksautomatically, Thedisplay
will show the clean time remaining. It will not
be possibleto open the oven door until the
temperature drops below the lock temperature
and LOCKED/DOOR _ goesoff in the control
Theword LOCKED/DOOR _ will flash and
the word DOORwill display if you set the clean
cycle and forget to closethe oven door.
Tostop a clean cycle,touch the CLEAR/
OFFpad.When LOCKED/DOOR _ goesoff,
indicating the oven has cooledbelow the
locking temperature, you will be able to open
the door.
Double Ovens:
You can set a cleancycle in both ovens at the
same time; however,they will not self-clean
at the same time.The last oven set will
automatically delay its start untilthe end of the
first oven's cleancycle.
When an oven is set to self-clean,both oven
doors will lock and the cooktop controlswill lock
out. The ovensand cooktop cannot be used
whenan ovenissetto self-clean.