Introduc on
Thank you for purchasing our product. Before using, please read this user manual carefully. Incorrect use may lead to
health detriment, injury or accidents. Therefore, in order to use the product safely and successfully, please read this manual
carefully. A er purchasing the orthosis, make sure that the size of the product is correct. Otherwise, a too ghtly fastened
product may cause local tension, pressure on blood vessels and nerves. The fi rst applica on and use of the product must
be performed by a trained professional. The manufacturer is not responsible for any problems resul ng from the use of
incorrectly selected products and improper use.
AT53052 LemboMove ™ BASIC
The spine brace improves the stabiliza on of the spine in the lumbar region, reducing pain and improving the pa ent's daily
comfort. Stabiliza on is ensured by elas c fastening belts and profi led reinforcements (stays), which relieve the paraspinal
ssues by transferring forces that load the structures of the spine, which prevents harmful changes in the biomechanics of
the lower parts of the spine. Due to its anatomical structure, the brace fi ts perfectly to the body and can be worn unno ced
under clothing. High-quality Velcro fasteners ensure easy and precise pu ng on of the orthosis and reliable fi xa on.
Height: 27 cm
̶ Conserva ve / postopera ve treatment
̶ Pain in the lumbar region
̶ Mild instability of the lumbar spine
̶ Osteochondrosis
̶ Spondylolisthesis
̶ Spondylolysis
AT53053 LemboMove ™ DUO
The spine brace improves the stabiliza on of the spine in the lumbar region, reducing pain and improving the pa ent's daily
comfort. Stabiliza on is ensured by elas c fastening belts and profi led reinforcements (stays), which relieve the paraspinal
ssues by transferring forces that load the structures of the spine, which prevents harmful changes in the biomechanics of
the lower parts of the spine. Due to its anatomical structure, the brace fi ts perfectly to the body and can be worn unno ced
under clothing. The orthosis is equipped with a removable rear reinforcement, which provides addi onal support for the
lumbar sec on and, depending on the pa ent's needs, can be fi xed at an appropriately selected level. High-quality Velcro
fasteners ensure easy and precise pu ng on of the orthosis and reliable fi xa on.
Height: 27 cm
̶ Conserva ve / postopera ve treatment
̶ Pain in the lumbar region
̶ Spondylolisthesis
̶ Spondylolysis
̶ Discopathy
̶ Osteoarthri s of the lumbar spine
AT53054 LemboMove ™ PRO
The spine brace has been designed to improve pa ent comfort at the highest possible level. Flexible straps are the basis for
the stabiliza on of the spine in the lumbar region, and the height of the orthosis, extended to 30 cm, provides even be er
stabiliza on and func onality during use. Contoured reinforcements (stays) relieve the paraspinal ssues by transferring
forces that load the structures of the spine, which prevents harmful changes in the biomechanics of the lower parts of the
spine. Addi onal, double fastening straps and the anatomical structure of the orthosis enable excellent stabiliza on of the
spine, perfectly adjus ng to the body. High-quality Velcro fasteners ensure easy and precise pu ng on of the orthosis and
reliable fi xa on.
Height: 30 cm
̶ Conserva ve / postopera ve treatment
̶ Pain in the lumbar spine
̶ Mild instability of the lumbar spine
̶ Osteochondrosis
̶ Spondylolisthesis
̶ Spondylolysis
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