Turn clockwise once on the button and the 6. User-definable ON cycle starts
to blink. Push once on the knob to set 17. Hours end (OFF) time. You can increase
or decrease the cycle duration "hours". Push to save and the 8. Minutes starts to
blink. Repeat this for the minutes and push to save and return to the main menu
[At this upper level the light sockets will shut OFF and stay until the Start
temperature has reached and the cool down timer elapsed (see sub-menu
settings). A 0-10V/PWM signal will reduce the signal linearly 0-100% between
Start to Stop temperature]
Turn the button clock wise and the 15. Stop light temperature starts to blink. It
shows the current Stop temperature setting. Push the knob once and the 12.
Temperature starts to blink. You can increase or decrease the Stop temperature
level. [This value can not be smaller as the Start temperature +1]. Confirm and
save your settings, push the knob once to return to the main menu settings.
[At this lower level the light sockets turn back ON after the cool down timer
has elapsed.]
Turn the button clockwise and the 14. Start light temperature starts to blink. It
shows the current Start temperature setting. Push once on the knob and the 12.
Temperature starts to blink. You can increase or decrease the Start temperature
level. [This value can not be greater as the Stop temperature -1] Confirm and save
your settings, push the knob once to return to the main menu settings.
[On this setting you can turn ON/OFF the light within to the next cycle it will
return to Automatic]
Turn the button clockwise and the 13. Manual 1-cycle setting starts to blink.
Push once on the knob to change the current Day/Night cycle. Press again to
undo it.
[On this setting you can turn ON/OFF the light until you manually choose 4.
12h ON cycle, 5. 18h ON cycle or 6. User-definable ON cycle].
Turn the button clockwise and the 11. Manual infinitive setting starts to blink.
Push once the button and turn clockwise or counter clock wise to choose 9. ON
state or 16. OFF state Push the button to save and return to the settings main
Turn clockwise once the 1. Return segment starts to blink. Pushing again
you return ro the main screen.
At this point you can see the outer 24h time ring caring your settings and
current time.
You see 18. ON time segment and 19. Off time segment the current time
segment is blinking.
Timer box IV
Set User-definable ON cycle
Set over temperature stop level
Set temperature start level
Set ON/OFF Manual 1-cycle setting
Set ON/OFF Manual infinitive setting