Align hose wrap (A) to the back side of accessory tray.
Locate notch with "unlock" icon (B) on hose wrap.
Position notch at top with hose wrap in vertical position.
Clips in the back of accessory tray should slide into the
grooves on the inside surface of hose wrap. Slide hose
wrap on back of accessory tray and rotate 1/8 turn until
"locked" icon (C) is in vertical position. Hose wrap is
easily removed from the accessory tray for wrapping and
unwrapping of the high pressure hose. A clip to secure
the hose on the reel makes it easy to wrap the hose
while it is detachedfrom the accessory tray.
Attach bottle bracket (D) to handle with carriage bolt (E)
and black plastic knob (F). Tighten by hand.
2-1N-1Soap System
The pressure washer is equipped with two detergent
siphoning hoses.
ProjectPro@ PerfectMWMSiphon
Blue tube with blue bottle cap:
When using the blue PerfectMWMsiphon, use
the PerfectMWMExtreme Concentrate straight
from the bottle.
Standard Siphon Tube
Cleartube with filter:
When using the clear siphon tube, dilute
1 part PerfectlViW MExtreme Concentrate
to 16 parts water (4 oz of concentrate
makes 1/2 gallon of mix.)
Attach Project Pro® PerfectiVIWMSiphon to
Attach the hose end of the blue PerfectiVlix TM Siphon (G) to
the barbed hose fitting (H) on the pump.
Attach PerfectiVIWMDetergentSiphon to
Concentrate Bottle
Place PerfectMixTM bottle (not included) in the wire-form
bracket on the handle. Removecap from bottle and insert the
PerfectMixTM Siphon (6). Screw the siphon unit to the top of
the bottle (J). Use the clip on the cap (1{)to snap siphon to
wire form bracket when siphon is not in a concentrate bottle.