About the water softener system.
When tile _cater softening system is providing soft water, it is called "Sex,ice." During se,_ice, hard water flows
flom the house main water pipe into the water softening system. Inside the x_v_ter s ofienh_g system resin tank is a
bed made up of d_ousands of tiny, plasti( resin beads. As hard water passes d_rough the bed, each bead ama( ts
and holds tl_e hard minerals. This is (:ailed ion-exclmnging.
It is nmch like a magnet amacting and holding
metals. \,\_lter without hard minerals (soft water) flows fiom the water sofiening
and to tlm house pipes.
After a period of time, the resin beads become coated with hard minerals and dmy have to be cleaned.
This cleaning is called regenem0on,
or re( harge. Regeneration
is started tit 2 00 AM (fh( to U sening) by tlle
water softening system control, and consists offixe stages or o, cles. These are FILLBRINING,BRINERINSE,
Hard Water Bypass During Regeneration
For emergency
hard war er is available
to the
However, you should avoid using HOT water because
home during the regeneration
the water heater will fill with the hard water.
Salt dissolx ed in water is called brine. Brine is needed to clean tl_e hard minerals flom resin beads. To make the
brine, water flows into tim salt storage area during the fill stage.
During brining, brine m_xels flom the salt storage area into the resin tank. Brine is the cleaning agent needed
to remove hard minerals flom the resin beads. The hard minerals and brine are dis( barged to tile drain.
The nozzle and venturi
( reate a su( tion txxmove the brine,
a veIT slow rate Ixxget the best resin
_4th the least sail.
Brine Rinse
After a pre-measured
of brine is used, the brine xake (loses. Water continues
Io flow in tim same path
as during brining, ex(ept fbr the dis(ontinued
brine flow. Hard minerals and brine flush flom the resin tank Io
the drain.
ba(kwash, water m_ els up through
the resin tank at a f:ast flow rate, flushing
iron, dirt,
and sediments
the resin bed and to drain.
Fast Rinse
Backwash is fbll_med by a fiJst fl_m of water down through
tlm resin tank. The fiJst fl_rw flushes brine flom the
of tank, and pa(ks the resin bed.
After thst rinse, tlm water softening system returns to soft water servi(e.