Chapter 4: Getting Started
Activating the Preconfigured Wi-Fi Access Point
This feature provides a temporary Wi-Fi connection for the device to download the configurations from the
portal. Instead of the manual configuration through the Maintenance Mode Web Server, you can use the
preconfigured Wi-Fi access point for initial Wi-Fi connection.
Prerequisites: Turn on your phone or router Wi-Fi hotspot and change the Wi-Fi name and password to
reflect the following configured TLK 25 Wi-Fi access point (AP):
Wi-Fi Name/SSID: WaveRadio
Password: RadioManagement
1. Turn on your device and wait until your device starts searching for connections.
The three-bar LED illuminates and scrolls.
2. To connect to the PWAP, press the Power button and Volume Up button simultaneously.
Your device searches for the available network.
Result: If connection to the configured Wi-Fi AP is successful, your device shows the following indications:
The voice announcement sounds.
The four-bar LED illuminates.