Both respirators from MSA are approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for use as
an escape device from hazardous atmospheres, including those which are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).
An IDLH atmosphere is defined as:
" ... conditions that pose an immediate threat to life or health or conditions that pose an immediate threat of severe
exposure to contaminants, such as radioactive materials, which are likely to have adverse cumulative or delayed effects on
health." [Title 42 CFR, Part 84, Subpart A, par. 84.2 (q)]."
TransAire Escape apparatus consist of a carrier containing a loose-fitting hood, a flow-control regulator and hose
assembly, and an air cylinder and valve assembly. The TransAire 5 Minute Escape Hood Respirator air cylinder contains a
5-minute supply of air at FULL pressure (2216 psig). The TransAire 10 Minute Escape Hood Respirator air cylinder
contains a 10-minute supply of air at FULL pressure (3000 psig).
There are significant differences between ESCAPE apparatus (like the TransAire) and self-contained breathing apparatus
Table 2 Comparison: TransAire Escape Apparatus vs Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
5-Minute Escape Apparatus
Air flows from the cylinder to the hood
constantly until the cylinder is empty (5
No audible alarm when the cylinder is
nearly empty
Loose-fitting hood
The apparatus can be worn on the chest, hip or waist, and may be carried into or stored in an area that may be potentially
hazardous. The hood is designed to be a reservoir of breathing air. It is not designed to provide splash protection or
withstand exposure to direct flame or high heat.
When you receive the apparatus, inspect it to be sure it has not been damaged in shipment. In may cases, you will not be
the first to handle the apparatus. So, check that it is assembled correctly. Check the air cylinder to be sure it is FULL. The
pressure gauge should read 3000 psi at 70°F for the 10-minute unit and 2216 for the 5-minute unit.
NOTE: The cylinder may be worn three ways: Chest-mounted, hip-mounted, or waist-mounted.
Donning the Cylinder and Carrier
10-Minute Escape Apparatus
Air flows from the cylinder to the hood
constantly until the cylinder is empty
(10 minutes)
No audible alarm when the cylinder is
nearly empty
Loose-fitting hood
1. Chest-Mounted
a. Check that the strap hook is attached to the bottom D-ring.
b. Adjust the carrier strap to fit comfortably over your head.
3 Unpacking
Air flows from the cylinder to the hood
following user's breathing rate (30
minutes to 60 minutes)
Audible alarm warns the user that the
cylinder is nearly empty
Tight-fitting pressure-demand
facepiece. Service time: 30 to 60
minutes (depends on the model).