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Use of BJeach:
Use only the bleach manufacturer's chart for" the recommended use of liquid bleach,
Dilute the bleach and add it to the water before putting clothes into the washtub.
You cannot use Jiquid or powder bleach in the detergent or fabric
softener dispenser.
Be careful not to spill undiJuted bJeach onto the washer cabinet or onto
cJothing_ It is a strong chemical that may damage ),'our clothes and the
finish of the washer if not properJy diluted.
Lint FiJter
®ThefiJteris Jocatedinside the washer at the upper part of the drum. A smdJnyJon
bag coJJects J intand residuefrom dothes during the wash cyde_
You must dean the fiJter after every Joad for the best resuJts.PuJJ up the fiJter to
remove. CJean and dide the fiJter back to repJace.
Note: Do not wash your cJothes without the fiJterin its compartment
inside the tub.