The following sounds are normally heard during the operation of the washer:
* TumbJing sounds can be heard as heavy wet clothes in the \'Vasher are tossed
around continuousJy.
® Air rushing noise is the res@ of the washtub spinning at a very high RPM.
" Clicking sounds are caused by the wash and rinse cycles turning ON and OFF.
pocki g
A ess@ries
ve t@ry
1. Remove aJJpacking materials. This incJudes the foam base and aJJadhesive tape
hoJding the washer accessories inside and outside_ SJide out and remove the
bottom Styrofoam that is used to protect the washer from shipping damage due
to vibrations and shock_
2. Inspectand removeany remains of packing, tape or printed materialsbefore
usingthe washen
a) 1 Bottom Pand
b) 8 Screws for the Bottom PJate
c) 2 Water InJetHose
d) 1 Drain Hose
e) 1 Drain Hose CJamp
f) 1 Drain Hook (Gooseneck}
g} 4 Washers
h) I Inner Plate
i} Quick sink faucet adapter
Check to make sure that the accessories are present and in good conditiom
If you find that they are not in good condition or are missing, pJease contact
our customer service department for assistance. @ur ToJJoFree number
] °877°337°3639°