COM Port Setup Mode
The COM Port Setup mode is used to configure new Data Interface
Cables for use.
ii. Detect: Automatically detect the COM Port when the Next Gen, Data
Interface Cable, and PC are properly connected and powered up.
iii. Configure: Automatically configure the advanced settings of the Data Interface Cable. May require running the
software with elevated permissions (right-click program shortcut and choose "Run As Administrator") on
Windows Vista/7/8/10 with UAC (User Account Control) enabled.
iv. Save: Saves the COM Port selection.
5. Command Line Operation
Usage: ESP_SurgeX_Diagnostic_Tool (/o output_file) [-a] [-t] [-c] [-m]
Example : ESP_SurgeX_Diagnostic_Tool /o C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\log.txt -a -m
Append output file. If output file already exists, column headers will not be written.
Write Timestamped data.
Write Event Counts.
Write Measurements.
If neither -t, -c, nor -m is specified, all will be written.
If -a is not specified, output file will be overwritten.
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