Description of appliance / attachments
1 Start button
2 Storage compartment lid
3 Coarse shredding drum (IV)
4 Fine shredding drum (III)
5 Grating drum (V)
6 Fine cutting drum (I)
7 Storage compartment
8 Cable compartment
9 Drive shaft
0 Drum housing
q Coarse cutting drum (II)
w Filling shaft
e Stodger
Before the First Usage
The Drums
Clean the appliance and all of its components (Drums
Stodger e, Drum housing 0) as described in the chapter "Cleaning".
You have a total of 5 diff erent cutting, shredding and grating drums available:
Fine cutting drum 6
Coarse cutting drum q
Fine shredding drum 4
Coarse shredding
drum 3
Grating drum 5
Marked "I" on the metal
part of the drum
Marked "II" on the
metal part of the drum
Marked "III" on the
metal part of the drum
Marked "IV" on the
metal part of the drum
Marked "V" on the
metal part of the drum
3 4 5 6 q,
SGR 150 A1