It is important that the oven door close properly and there is no damage to the:
(1) Door structure or microwave choke on the inside of the door
(2) Hinges or latches (broken or loosened)
(3) Door seals and sealing surfaces
Planned Maintenance
Periodic preventive maintenance is essential in maintaining peak performance. It is
necessary to keep the motors, fans, and electronics free of dirt, dust, and debris to
insure proper cooling. Over-heating is detrimental to the life of all the components
mentioned. The periodic intervals for preventive cleaning may vary depending on the
environment in which the oven is operating.
Do not cook large quantities of raw meat in this oven. The oven is fitted with
a catalytic converter that can become blocked and ineffective if excessive
amounts of fatty foods such as burgers and sausages are cooked.
Lincat recommends re-heating cooked proteins.
IS 782 ECN 5060
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