smoczków na nowe co 3 miesiące. Przechowuj smoczki w suchym, zamkniętym pojemniku.
Nie umieszczaj produktu w rozgrzanym piekarniku. Nie korzystaj z butelki, jeśli znajdują
się na niej jakiekolwiek pęknięcia. Nie pozwalaj dzieciom korzystać z butelki bez nadzoru
osoby dorosłej.
Zawór antykolkowy | Materiał wykonania: PP/Silikon | Nie zawiera BPA | Wygodna skala na
butelce | Wymiary: 140x70mm | Waga: 65g | Pojemność butelki: 150 ml
Produkt objęty jest 24-miesięczną gwarancją. Warunki gwarancji można znaleźć na stronie: Szczegóły, kontakt oraz adres serwisu można znaleźć na stronie: Specyfikacje i zawartość zestawu mogą ulec zmianie bez powiado-
mienia. Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodności.
Dear Customer,the Neno Bottle 150 product that you have purchased is a baby bottle with
a rubber teat, used to feed babies or to express breast milk with the use of any Neno brand
breast pump. Please read the instructions before using the device.
1. Do not allow your child to use this product without adult supervision.
2. Do not allow your child to play with the bottle or run around when holding it.
3. Never use the bottle as a substitute for a pacifier.
4. Always check the temperature of the bottle before feeding your child.
5. Keep all elements of the device out of the reach of children.
6. Wash the product before first use. Before each use, check the product's condition
carefully and stretch the teat in all directions with your fingers. Discard the teat when
you notice signs of damage or wear. Do not leave the teat in sunny or hot places, do not
soak it in the sterilizing agents for longer than is recommended, as they can damage
the material.
7. Long and uninterrupted suction of food by the child may cause tooth decay.
8. Do not place the product in a preheated oven.
9. Before first use, put the teats in boiling water for 5 minutes. Clean before each use.
10. Do not place the bottle in the microwave oven. Do not use microwave waves to heat the
contents of the bottle.
11. Do not wash the product in a dishwasher.
12. The pumped food can be stored in a bottle in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours or for
up to 3 months in the freezer. Never re-freeze milk and do not add freshly drawn food
to a previously frozen milk.
13. Do not use abrasive or antibacterial agents when cleaning the product. Do not place
parts of the product directly on surfaces that have been cleaned using antibacterial
14. Overuse of cleaning agents may cause plastic to crack. If there are visible cracks on the
bottle or teat, immediately discard it.
15. Sterilization and high temperature can lead to distortion of the rubber teat and make the
bottle and teat not fit each other.
16. Cooking a bottle and teat in hard water may cause residue.
Bottle | Teat 0-3m | Nut | Peg
The suction process is an important part of your baby's development, which is why when
feeding your baby with a bottle, you need to make sure that it can actively suck food
without a problem.
Before first using the bottle, disassemble it, clean the individual parts thoroughly and steri-
lize them with a bottle sterilizer or boiling water. After each use of the product, disassemble
it, thoroughly wash the parts in warm water with dishwashing soap and rinse it afterwards.
Before using sterilized items, wash your hands and surfaces on which these items will be
placed thoroughly.
Apply the bottle cap so that the teat is held upright. To remove the cap, place your hand on
it, placing your thumb in the recess. Putting in the teat is easier when you move it diagonally