Outside air connection through the base
Through a rear outlet
Fig. 17
3. For fastening Ø 80 fresh air intake tube (optional equipment
– item no. 51047509), see the manual (item no. 10047508)
accompanying the external air set. See the installation
instructions that follow with the external air set. Attach the
hose to the external air connector with a hose clip to avoid
using joints. The external air hose insulation ends approx.
100 mm below the burn chamber.
Through the fl oor
Fig. 18
4. For fastening Ø 80 fresh air intake tube (optional equipment
– item no. 51047509), see the manual (item no. 10047508)
accompanying the external air set. See the installation
instructions that follow with the external air set. Attach the
hose to the external air connector with a hose clip to avoid
using joints. The external air hose insulation ends approx.
100 mm below the burn chamber.
4.4 Chimney and fl ue pipe
The fi replace must only be connected to a chimney and
fl ue pipe approved for solid fuel fi replaces with fl ue gas
temperatures as specifi ed in «2.0 Technical Data».
The cross-section of the chimney must be designed to fi t the
fi replace. Use «2.0 Technical Data» to calculate the correct
chimney cross-section.
The chimney must be connected in accordance with the
installation instructions of the chimney supplier.
Before a hole is made in the chimney, the product should
be test-mounted in order to correctly mark the position of
the fi replace and the hole in the chimney. See fi g. 1 for
minimum dimensions.
Make sure that the fl ue pipe rises all the way up to the
With a rear outlet, use a fl ue pipe bend with a sweep hatch
to allow sweeping.
Please note that it is extremely important for connections to
have a degree of fl exibility. This is to prevent any movement
in the installation leading to the formation of cracks.
For recommended chimney draught, see «2.0 Technical
Data». For fl ue pipe dimension see "2.0 Technical Data".
NB: The chimney's diameter must be at least just as big
as the fl ue pipe.
NB! The minimum recommended chimney length is 3.5 m
from the fl ue pipe insert. If the draught is too strong, a fl ue
pipe damper can be installed and used to reduce the draught.
Operation under diff erent weather
The eff ect of the wind on the chimney may have a signifi cant
impact on how the stove reacts under diff erent gust loads. It
may be necessary to adjust the air supply to achieve good
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