2, Knee bounce.
Half twist to right, to left, to feet, to
3. Seat-drop.
Repeat in swing.
Half twist to feet.
Seat-drop, knees, hands and knees;
2. Front-drop.
To save time and avoid mat burns,
all members of
the class should be requested to
assume the front-
drop position on the floor while the
checks for faults, Suggested progression:
hands and knees bounce, the body
is extended for
the landing in front drop position,
and the rebound
is made to feet.
2. Back-drop.
Demonstration, accenting the forward
thrust of the
hips by arching body as one leg is
brought forward
from standing (not bouncing) position,
and the
drop to the back is made with chin
held forward to
chest, eyes forward on trampoline
frame. Spotting
this skill is most important. Demonstration
back-drop with low bounce and
practice on both
2. Half turntable.
Start from front drop position and
push left or right
with hands.
Turn head and shoulders in same
direction. Keep
back parallel to mat and head Up.
After completing
1/2 turn land in front drop position.
1. Swivel-hips.
Suggested progression:
Seai-drop, feet, half twist; repeat,
Seat-drop, half twist to feet; repeat.
Seat drop, half twist to seat drop.
2. Half turntable.