Test bench MS005/MS005A
6.6. Automatic alternator diagnostic mode
1. After fixing and connecting the alternator, go to the "Alternator" menu.
2. In the opened window, select: the nominal voltage of the diagnosed alternator, 12 or 24 V, the
type of alternator, the maximum test current, the diameter of the pulley (if the value is known).
When using the alternator database, the test parameters are set automatically.
3. Next, select the script to be used during the automatic test: Advanced script or Quick script,
then press the "Automatic test" button.
4. After clicking the "Automatic test" button, a preliminary alternator check window will appear,
see Figure 26.
4.1. Using the alternator drive control buttons (see item 1 in Figure 26), set the speed of the
alternator pulley rotation within the range of 100 to 150 rpm.
4.2. Visually assess whether the alternator rotates normally. If there are noises or vibrations
from the alternator indicating mechanical malfunction or incorrect alternator installation,
diagnostics should be stopped by pressing the "Cancel" button.
4.3. To continue the diagnostics, press the "Ok" button.
5. To start the test, press the button
will automatically perform all checks according to the selected script. If necessary, the test
process can be interrupted by pressing the button
6. After completing all the test stages, the bench automatically generates a report and opens it.
Reports are saved in the folder C:\UserFiles\Reports. If it is necessary to find a specific test result
in the future, it is necessary to save the obtained report under your name (for example, order
number, client name, and date) in another folder.
7. Exit the diagnostic mode, after which the alternator can be removed from the bench.
in the opened window (see Figure 27). Then, the bench