Press and hold the OSC OPTION key till ▲
screen. Now, adjust the OSC ▲ or OSC ▼ and you can observe the dashed
line V2 moving up and down while the measured voltage value of V2 relative
to the zero position of CH1 is displayed on the screen. Also, the absolute
values of V1 and V2 can be shown on the screen.
Figure 24: Use the cursor for a voltage measurement.
To use the cursor for a time measurement on CH1, do the following:
Press the MENU key and the function menus are displayed at the right of the
Press the "MENU ▲" or "MENU ▼" key to select Cursor measurement key.
Two key labels selectable are shown at the bottom of the screen.
Press the F1 key to the measurement type Time. Two vertical dashed lines
T1 and T2 appear on the screen.
Press the F2 key and jump to the measured channel CH1.
Press and hold the OSC OPTION key till the ▲/▼ CURSOR T1 appears on
the screen. Then, adjust the OSC ▲ or OSC ▼ and you can observe the
dashed line moving left and right. At the same time, the time value of T1
relative to the screen middle point position will be displayed on the screen.
Keep pressing on the OSC OPTION key till the ▲/▼ CURSOR T2 is
displayed on the screen. Then, adjust the OSC ▲ or OSC ▼ and you can find
that the dashed line T2 is moving right and left while the time value of T1
relative to the screen middle point position appears on the screen. You can
also observe the absolute time values and frequencies of T1 and T2. Now,
you can see a screen that looks like the following figure 25.
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▼ CURSOR V2 appears on the