allows all values that can be modified by the user to be reset to the default values. The modified data is the following:
CONTrOls prOCeDUre
press key 5 until seT clock appears.
press key 3 several times until user appears.
press key 5.
press key 5 until "reseT" appears.
Use keys 2-3 to select on and press key 5.
"Done" will appear on the display to confirm.
(in certain models)
This mode reduces the fan speed, making the stove quieter.
CONTrOls prOCeDUre
To activate, press key 4 until comforT on appears on the display.
To de.activate, press key 4 until comforT off appears on the display.
When The comforT moDe is acTiVe The leD for fan 1 Will flash on The conTrol panel.
When The comforT funcTion is acTiVaTeD usinG key 4, The sToVe Will alWays operaTeD aT reDuceD fan
enable chrono
it allows to enable/disable the chrono and the various time slots. when enabling the time slots, besides activating (ON) and de-activating
(OFF), it is also possible to select the COmFOrT function for selected time slots.
CONTrOls prOCeDUre
press key 5 for a few seconds, until seT clock appears.
press key 3 several times to reach enable chrono.
press key 5, to confirm and use keys 2-3 to enable "on" or disable "off" the chrono.
Use keys 4 -5 to select the desired time slot.
press keys 2 - 3 to enable "on" or disable "off" the comforT mode for the selected time slot.
press key 1 several times to confirm and exit the menu.
The chrono allows to program 2 time spans within a day to use every day of the week.
The switch-on and switch-off time can be set in every time slot, along with the days of use of
the programmed time slot.
The ignition and switch-off times must be within the arc of one day,
from 0 to 24 and not over several days:
Before using the chrono function, set the current day and time.
Therefore check that the points listed in the "Set clock" sub-chapter
have been followed, so that the chrono function works. aside from
programming it, it must also be activated.
switch-on time 07:00
switch-off time 18:00
switch-on time 22:00
switch-off time 05:00