Pump Accessories Installation
10.1 Well probe
The well probe, cf. "Figure 38: Well probe" on page 58
contains a mechanical float with a magnet inside. When the
probe is submerged, the float rises, and the magnet actuates
a switch. The switch closes (makes contact) to indicate the
presence of water.
If the water level drops below the probe, the float drops,
and the switch opens (breaks contact): The controller will
stop the pump. When the water level recovers and the
switch closes again, the controller will delay the restart for
15 minutes for the water level to recover. To force a quick
restart, turn the controller off, then on again. The switch is
sealed, so the contacts never touch the water.
Figure 38: Well probe
Submersion depth – The maximum submersion depth is
50 meters.
Fixing – Along with the probe two cable ties are provided.
For a pump that is to be installed in a vertical position,
clamp the probe to the pipe just above the pump outlet, as
shown in "Figure 39: Well probe fixing" below. Splice the
two wires of the probe using the splice kit components that
are packed with the probe. The assembly procedure is the
same as the main pump splice.
Wiring to the controller – The well probe must be
connected to terminals 1 and 2. Please refer to "Figure 13:
Terminal wiring example" on page 30.
Figure 39: Well probe fixing