4. Conversion
Conversion factors for torque values
Conversion formula:
Source unit x factors
Conversion from
20 lbf.ft into Nm
20 x 1.356 = 27.12 Nm
5. Prior to Operation
Always ensure tools are used, inspected
and maintained in com pliance with the
respective local, state, national or federal
regu lations.
• In order to prevent transmission of incorrect
load information, you should not use universal
joints or extensions. Especially when using
universal joints, the torque value applied on the
screw connection may change considerably. It
is also possible to use the wrench for releasing
screw connections. However, when using it for
this purpose, never exceed the maximum scale
torque (e.g. when trying to release rusted-in
screws). Over loading may damage the torque
wrench and may cause it to release incorrectly.
Design and Function
Target Unit
= Target unit