3. Firefox
Step 1. Go to Tools Menu / Options / Advanced / Secu-
rity and "Security devices".
Step 2. If the PKCS#11 module is properly
installed, the PKCS#11 DNIe module will ap-
pear in the list of security modules and insta-
lled devices list.
Step 3. When the PKCS#11 DNIe module is properly ins-
talled, you are able to view the DNIe certificates. Open the
Mozilla/Firefox navigator and go to Tools menu / Options
/ Advanced / View certificates. The DNie PIN will be requi-
red, please write it and go to "Options" section. Then press
on "View Certifiates" and in "Your Certificates" tab to find
your certificates:
- Certificate of Authentication
- Certifiate of signature
Step 4. In "Authorities" tab you will be able to
view the AC DNIE 00X certificate and the AC
RAIZ DNIE root certificate.
Step 5. If you have completed sucessfully all the previous steps and you can find the certificates, the PKCS#11 module
and Firefox root certificate are properly installed.
9. Card Reader
Thanks to its multi-slot design you will be able to insert different memory cards at the same time and share files between
cards inserted in different slots.
The cards must be inserted in their slots smoothly. Please dont force the cards when you insert them in the slots because
it could damage the device. When you insert a memory card, a red LED will be turned on, it means the device has recog-
nized correctly the new memory card. When you insert a Smart Card or a DNIe card, a green LED will be turned on and
it will change into red to indicate the access to the cards.
If you want to access to the files saved in the memory cards go to "My PC". The slots which have memory cards inside
are marked in blue in My PC menu. Double click over the memory card in which you want to access to display its content.
You will be able to copy files between memory cards inserted in different slots directly without needing to copy the file pre-
viously in your computer. First, you have to access to the memory card which contains the files you want to copy, select
the file you want to copy by right clicking and then select "Copy". Then, you have to access to the memory card in where
you want to copy the file, select it by right clicking and then select "Paste". The file will be copied directly.
10. Card Reader Uninstallation
We suggest you disconnect the device by clicking on "Remove hadrware sa-
fety". Right clicking over the device icon in the window bar and then select
"Remove hardware safely". Select the device and then click on "Stop". A con-
firmation message will appear when you could unplug the device.
SCT012 User Guide
1. Welcome
2. Features
3. Technical Specifications
4. System Requirements
5. Content
6. Hardware
7. Installation
8. DNIe software installation
9. Card Reader
10. Uninstallation
11. FAQs